lunes, 3 de abril de 2006

Citricos Ceiba replaces plantations

Cuba: Cítricos Ceiba replaces plantations

Tholen - The company Cítricos Ceiba, which is located in Caimito in the
province of Havana, has the ambitious plan to renovate its plantations,
with as ultimate goal to increase production and efficiency to a higher
level than before. The strategic plan for citrus cultivation was
endorsed by Fidel Castro in 1968 already, to provide the capital with
citrus fruits. It mostly concerned oranges, grapefruit and lemons.

The growing acreage was severely damaged by hurricane Charley in August
2004, which destroyed almost the entire crop and which uprooted many
trees. Now, one wants to replace the old trees by new varieties which
feature more and better resistance against diseases and plagues. A the
same time the total acreage is to be reduced and the production per ha
to be increased. The replanting schedule has provided in 400 ha of
renovations, while this year another 200 ha will be replanting. This is
to be followed up by an annual replanting of 400 ha per year, starting
in 2007, which will result in the complete replanting of the company’s
acreage in 10 years time.

Publication date: 30 Mar 2006
Author: André van der Wiel

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