jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

Cuba's Population Reaches 11.2 Million People

Cuba's Population Reaches 11.2 Million People
2011-04-07 08:13:34 Xinhua Web Editor: Zhangxu

Cuba's population increased to 11.241 million people by the end of 2010,
the Cuban National Statistics Office (NSO) said Wednesday, releasing the
latest data on population growth of the Caribbean island nation.

Some 75 percent of Cuba's population, or 8.466 million people, reside in
urban areas while only 2.775 million Cubans live in rural areas, the NSO
said, adding the population is made up with 5.612 million women and
5.629 million men.

Cuba plans to carry out a new census in September 2012 on population and
housing developments that will cover the entire population of the
country, Jose Carlos Puente Smith, director of the NSO, recently said.

The survey will update the total number and characteristics of the
current Cuban population and will provide reliable demographic, social
and economic data useful for the decisions of the government, said Puente.

Calls have been growing for Cuban authorities to update the information
on housing conditions as more than 1 million of the 3.9 million houses
in the country have been affected by natural disasters since the last
census was carried out eight years ago.

A total of 17 censuses have been carried out in Cuba's history, with the
first known census developed in 1774 and the last in September 2002.


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