jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

Consequences of the New U.S. Policy Toward Cuba

Consequences of the New U.S. Policy Toward Cuba
[21-10-2015 21:29:57]
Jaime Suchlicki
Director del Instituto de Estudios Cubanos y Cubano-Americanos de la
Universidad de Miami

(www.miscelaneasdecuba.net).- Now that the dust has settled somewhat
from the storm produced by the Obama administration's new policy toward
Cuba, it is possible to analyze some of its consequences.
The most obvious ones are permitting more American tourists to visit
Cuba; allowing Cuban-Americans to increase remittances; increasing the
revenue of the Cuban government; and removing Cuba from the list of
countries supporting terrorism. Expectations in the island have grown
that these policies will bring more changes and increase prosperity.

Yet, there are other more significant, long term consequences. First,
concerned about the possibility of unrest and U.S. subversion in the
island, General Raul Castro's administration has increased substantially
repression against dissidents and the population in general. The aim is
to maintain complete control and to prevent civil disobedience.
Repression is likely to intensify and to continue.

Second, there is a growing fear in Cuba that the new U.S. policy will
lead to the end, or at least the modification, of the Cuban Adjustment
Act. This is producing an urgency to leave the island. Out migration by
sea and thru third countries is increasing. This is likely to accelerate.

Third, the divide between Cuban whites and blacks in the island is
increasing. Remittances from Cuban-Americans, mostly white, go to their
friends and relatives in Cuba. Cuban blacks receive little from abroad.
Tourism has little impact on areas prominently black in eastern Cuba.
The perception among blacks that the Castro government cares little
about them, and the reality that the government hierarchy, both military
and Communist Party, is primarily white, is increasing a sense of
alienation and frustration. This unintended consequent of U.S. policy
does not bode well for Cuba's future.

Finally, the Castro regime is re-asserting its close relationship with
and allegiance to Cuba's old allies, Russia, Iran and Venezuela.
Agreements between Castro and Putin call for more visits by Russian navy
and air force to Cuba. Raul Castro continues to support Iran's nuclear
ambitions as well as to maintain his commitment to the survival of the
Maduro regime in Venezuela.

Obviously, U.S. policies are not moving the Castro regime in a desirable
direction. As a matter of fact, the regime is becoming more entrenched
and inflexible in the face of American overtures and policies. This is
likely to continue as the regime prepares for succession to a new,
younger military cadre led by close members of the Castro clan. Raul
Castro has been promoting his son Col. Alejandro Castro Espin and his
son in law General Luis Alberto Rodriguez Lopez Callejas, as key players
in his succession plans. What is not in his plans are closer relations
with the U.S., a political transition, or respect for human rights.

Source: Consequences of the New U.S. Policy Toward Cuba - Misceláneas de
Cuba -

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