sábado, 3 de mayo de 2008

Fugitve Robert Vesco may have died in Cuba

Fugitve Robert Vesco may have died in Cuba
Published: May 2, 2008 at 9:13 PM

HAVANA, May 2 (UPI) -- Robert Vesco, the U.S. financier who spent
decades on the run and recent years in Cuba, died of lung cancer and is
now in an unmarked grave, friends said.

The New York Times reported that records at Colon Cemetery in Havana
show someone with that name was buried Nov. 24. The Times said it had
seen photographs and video of a body that resembles Vesco lying in a
coffin and of a man lying in a hospital bed, coughing.

"He could have died," said Arthur Herzog, a Vesco biographer who
interviewed him in Cuba. "But Bob has used disguises in the past."

Vesco fled the United States in 1971 to avoid prosecution on securities
fraud charges. While he never returned to the country, he got into
trouble for an illegal campaign contribution to President Richard Nixon
while he was living in Costa Rica.

On the run, Vesco tended to wear out his welcome. Even in Cuba, he spent
several years in jail for fraud, reportedly after bilking some of Fidel
Castro's relatives.


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