martes, 2 de marzo de 2010

Cuba obtains domestic cabbage seed for the first time

Cuba obtains domestic cabbage seed for the first time

The species was created by specialists of the Institute National
Fundamental Research Tropical Agriculture and cultivated by framer Ariel
Gonzalez Molerio of the Jose Marti Credit and Services Cooperative.

Adolfo Nodals Rodriguez, head of urban and suburban agriculture, told
ACN news agency, in a recent visit to Ciego de Avila, this result is
part of a program to reduce imports of vegetable seeds and at the same
time aims at greater production per area.

He said that Cuba purchases abroad two-thirds of the seed that the
annual demand to fill horticulture and it is necessary to substitute
this import entirely with local productions.

The cabbage harvested by Gonzalez Molerio reached at 65 days of its
planting, its maximum development with profits of over eight tons per
acre, a 20 percent higher than other varieties, said the Gonzalez in
meeting with other farmers.

This initiative will be extended to other cooperatives Ciego de Avila
and state farms, said José Manuel León, Agriculture specialist in this
central province.

Cabbage is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E and minerals, it helps fight
breast, lung, stomach, ovary and colon cancers, counteracts obesity and
is effective in those have osteoporosis, according to studies.


Publication date: 3/2/2010

Cuba obtains domestic cabbage seed for the first time (2 March 2010)

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