lunes, 1 de marzo de 2010

U.S.-Cuba air services on hook for Cuba judgment

Posted on Monday, 03.01.10
U.S.-Cuba air services on hook for Cuba judgment
The Associated Press

MIAMI -- Eight companies that provide air service between the U.S. and
Cuba are being asked to help pay a $27 million judgment won by a woman
who sued the Cuban government over a spy-turned-husband.

The woman, Ana Margarita Martinez, won the judgment in 2007. She claimed
she was lured into marriage with a spy, Juan Pablo Roque, as a cover so
he could infiltrate Miami's Cuban exile community.

Martinez now wants the eight air charter companies to pay her any debts
they owe to companies in Cuba related to their business. The charter
firms say they shouldn't be required to pay because their business is
separate from the Cuban government.

The charter companies on Monday asked a federal judge to intervene and
halt any payments to Martinez.

U.S.-Cuba air services on hook for Cuba judgment - Florida AP - (1 March 2010)

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