viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

Russia Could Create Aircraft Repair Center in Cuba

Russia Could Create Aircraft Repair Center in Cuba
20:38 22.10.2015

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said that Russian
delegation will inspect Cuban infrastructure in order to create repair
center in the near future.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Russia could construct an aircraft repair center
on Cuba in the near future, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin
said Thursday.

On Sunday, a delegation of Cuban officials headed by the country's vice
president, Ricardo Cabrisas, arrived in Moscow. The delegation held
several meetings with high-ranking officials, including Rogozin, the
co-president of the Cuba-Russia Intergovernmental Commission.
"In the beginning of November, our delegation from the company Russian
Helicopters will go [to Cuba]. It will inspect on the ground all the
potential, all the Cuban infrastructure in order to create this [repair]
center in the near future," Rogozin said after meeting with Cabrisas
earlier in the day.

Cuba and Russia have enjoyed warm relations, dating back to Soviet
times. According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, Moscow and Havana are
preparing to launch large-scale joint projects in the fields of energy
and civil aviation, as well as a program to modernize Cuba's power plants.

Source: Russia Could Create Aircraft Repair Center in Cuba -

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