domingo, 14 de septiembre de 2008

United States temporarily eases limits on sending money to Cuba

United States temporarily eases limits on sending money to Cuba
By Alexia Campbell | South Florida Sun-Sentinel
September 11, 2008

Cuban families in South Florida now can send up to $1,000 directly to
relatives on the hurricane-ravaged island thanks to a temporary easing
of U.S. restrictions.

People without family in Cuba also can donate to the relief program at
1312 SW 27th Ave., Miami, or 305-592-7768.

U.S. law limits exiles from sending more than $300 to Cuba every three
months. But the U.S. Treasury Department granted a license to the Cuban
American National Foundation allowing the emergency increase after
Hurricanes Gustav and Ike damaged as many as 140,000 homes on the
island. Families can give cash to the foundation, which will be wired
directly to their relatives through Western Union. The foundation will
cover the transfer fees and send donors a receipt. The relief program,
valid through December, has a $250,000 cap.,0,2382613.story

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