jueves, 7 de julio de 2011

Cuba's Thriving Black Market Covers Almost Everything

Cuba's Thriving Black Market Covers Almost Everything
Submitted by Prakash Sharma on Thu, 07/07/2011 - 13:09

In a country like Cuba where almost everything goes so systematized,
every economic activity is very well regulated and where supermarkets
and ration shops may have run short of basic grocery items such as
sugar, toilet papers or eggs but even then you can get nearly almost
every item in Cuba's flourishing black market, if you have a good contact.

Black market has for now seemingly involved almost every one into its
ambit, with almost every person to have used the services rendered by
the black marketers amid the utmost need they may have felt during the
scarcity of the same in the market.

In most of the developed countries, the black market may have meant to
sell something that is either barred or not allowed for sale and most of
the times it is dominated by drugs, bootleg DVDs and prostitution but in
Cuba, it altogether another wing of it coming into view with almost
everything available in the black market.

It is now found that various new jobs including food vendor, wedding
photographer, manicurist and construction worker that have been existing
for years and notably have been applied for licenses by the people who
have already been serving the people by offering the same service under
the table.

Considering the ambit of black market to have gone wider, the President
Raúl Castro has persuaded some black market operators to play by the
rules and pay taxes and is now making consistent efforts to persuade
almost each one to continue offering their service but with license.


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