viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2009

New Cuba Regulations Good for Agriculture

New Cuba Regulations Good for Agriculture
USAgNet - 09/04/2009

U.S. Senator Byron Dorgan of North Dakota issued a statement Thursday in
response to the Treasury Department issuing new Cuba regulations that
include a provision to allow a general license for people travelling to
Cuba to market agricultural products. Dorgan included this provision in
law to make it easier for U.S. agricultural producers to export their
goods to Cuba.

"These new regulations on Cuba will follow the legislation that I had
included in law," said Dorgan. "Our previous policy hurt family farmers
and restricted their ability to get their products to the Cuban
marketplace, and I'm pleased to see that these new regulations recognize
the importance of my legislation when it comes to giving our nation's
agricultural producers access to the Cuban marketplace."

Added Dorgan, "This change will make it easier for our producers to sell
their goods to Cuba, and it makes good economic sense for family farmers
in North Dakota and across the country - National/World News - New Cuba Regulations Good for
Agriculture (4 September 2009)

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