martes, 3 de julio de 2012

Production of Construction Materials Not Enough for Current Demand

Production of Construction Materials Not Enough for Current Demand

CAMAGUEY, Cuba, Jun 6 (acn) The demand of construction materials in the
province of Camaguey is much higher than those produced despite
compliance in the delivery of the materials.
Cuban News Agency

According to Vilma Bazán, Deputy Director of Trade in the province told
the press that among the materials that are quickly sold are skinned steel
bars, cement and blocks.

Bank credits for its purchase, already at over 1 thousand 200 in the
territory and the grants destined to the construction of homes by the
owners themselves are among the reasons for the growth of the population´s

Clients, recently consulted by AIN News Agency like dentist Guillermo
Martinez and his wife, Judith Aúar, expressed that the skinned steel bars
are important, but attempting to purchase them is a nightmare because they
are sold immediately.

With such uncertainty, Luis Rodriguez, Director of the ACINOX Commercial
Company in charge of distribution said that the entity complies with the
production but the amount available is arranged according to a national

To solve the current situation, they increased the plan of 600 tons for
the end of 2011 to 1 thousand tons to be sold this year and they are
evaluating the possibility of selling the steel that is not used in state

Regarding the blocks, guaranteed by different providers, Bazan pointed out
that the program was running 110 percent; above the over 179 thousand
agreed units but were not enough of those that needed the material.

Cement on the other hand, was one of the materials that presented
irregularities during the first months of the year due to the
technological brand dedicated to the production of the PP-250 bulk from
the 26 of July Company in the municipality of Nuevitas.

Despite the non compliance, Erlinda Llenderroso, Director of the
Commercialization Firm in the province assured that the conditions are
right to eliminate delays and deliver 17 thousand 481 committed tons for

Camaguey is looking for solutions to improve the program destined in
alleviating the scarcity and inefficiency despite the country´s above
average regarding the volume of sales, but still without complying with
the plans of the established earnings.

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