domingo, 14 de septiembre de 2008

Cuba tries to salvage crops after storms

Cuba tries to salvage crops after storms
Published: Sept. 13, 2008 at 12:45 PM

HAVANA, Sept. 13 (UPI) -- In the aftermath of hurricanes Ike and Gustav,
Cubans are struggling to harvest coffee, plaintains and other crops
before they rot in the fields.

Flooding brought on by torrential rains has also closed roads, leaving
some towns inaccessible, The Miami Herald reported. Electricity had not
been restored in many areas.

At least seven people were killed when Hurricane Ike hit. Civil Defense
blamed most of the deaths on failure to heed emergency orders.

Cuban TV announced a mobilization to harvest coffee on Sunday. The
broadcaster said the storms have threatened the plaintain harvest in
Holguin province with the combination of wind and rain.

Experts say more than 20 percent of the sugar crop was destroyed.

Gustav was a Category 4 hurricane when it came ashore on Isla de
Juventud Aug. 30, destroying the fruit crop there.

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