viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2011

Engage Cuba on oil drilling

Engage Cuba on oil drilling
December 9, 2011

Considering last year's deadly explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig
and the ensuing oil gush into the Gulf of Mexico, it would be
counterproductive for the United States to allow a diplomatic standoff
to get in the way of ensuring oil drilling in the Florida Straits meets
the highest of standards.

Unfortunately, that appears to be happening. And in this case, the
diplomatic confrontation is none other than a relic of the Cold War —
the ongoing iciness with Cuba's Castro-led government.

Rather than engaging Havana one-on-one about its Florida Straits
drilling plan, Washington has publicly said it prefers doing so through
multinational forums. Since Wednesday, for example, U.S. officials have
had access to Cuban and Bahamian counterparts at an International
Maritime Organization gathering.

We don't take issue with that approach, per se. At least they are
talking to each other.
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Except that it makes no sense to engage Cuban officials on international
maritime platforms, but not in direct talks, too. We hope that more
engagement is taking place through back channels.

Washington has conducted direct negotiations on other issues in the
past, such as immigration and military matters. We believe drilling in
waters close to Florida's environmentally sensitive and economically
vital coasts rises to the same priority level.

For example, what if there is an accident similar to the 2010 episode in
the Gulf? Would Washington then wait until the next IMO workshop to
address the crisis with Havana?

We don't think so. Instead, we'd prefer that federal and state officials
would already have critical contacts and relevant information at hand —
contacts and information generated by multilateral and direct talks,
public or not.

Again, we hope behind-the-scenes talks are occurring.

Cuba's not the only concern for Florida. The Bahamas also is mulling its
own oil exploration next year.

Bahamian officials have already worked with Cuban counterparts to
address boundary issues. They were smart to do so.

Don't get us wrong. We have long called for democratic and free market
reforms in Cuba. No amount of oil drilling revenue will boost the
island's fortunes absent a political and economic overhaul on the island.

We just don't believe shunning direct talks on oil drilling will boost
that transition.

Meanwhile, the Scarabeo 9 — a floating, Chinese rig — is sailing across
the Pacific Ocean from Singapore to Cuba's north coast. As early as next
month, the Scarabeo, operated by a Spanish company, could be drilling
for oil just 70 miles from Florida waters.

Time is of the essence. Washington should take every opportunity to have
a say.

The IMO workshop that concludes today is a fine forum, we agree. But
Washington should not box itself in by limiting Cuban oil drilling talks
to a U.N. agency.

Florida, especially, has too much at stake.,0,1651671.story

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